Posts tagged as: strange


Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Cops: Oregon Man Puts Kids in Car Trunk

‘An Oregon man on vacation with his family is accused of putting two of his four children in a car trunk because the vehicle was too small to hold all of them.

Douglas Willy, 40, was arrested Saturday after police received a tip from a person who saw the family at a gas station, authorities said. He was charged with two counts of reckless endangerment.

Willy, his fiancee and their four children were taking a trip but the vehicle did not fit all six passengers. So, police said, he decided two of the children would ride in the trunk to avoid taking a second vehicle.

Police said a 12-year-old and 13-year-old were in the trunk, and had been riding inside for about 20 miles.’


Light Seems to Pass through Solid Metal

‘Researchers directing a special type of light at metal poked with holes in irregular patterns recently discovered that all the light behaved like a liquid and fell across the metal to find its way through the escape holes.

[..] experiments described in the March 28 issue of the journal Nature demonstrated that terahertz radiation—a low-frequency light on the electromagnetic spectrum located between microwaves and mid-infrared regions—traveled around a thin sheet of metal, through patterned holes, and all of it came out the other side. Experts sometimes refer to this radiation as T-rays.

“You can get 100 percent transmission of light, even if holes only make up 20 percent of the area,” University of Utah physicist Ajay Nahata told LiveScience. Nahata is one of the experimenters.’


Husband kills wife’s lover; wife charged

‘Darrell Roberson came home from a card game late one night to find his wife rolling around with another man in a pickup truck in the driveway.

Caught in the act with her lover, Tracy Denise Roberson — thinking quickly, if not clearly — cried rape, authorities say. Her husband pulled a gun and killed the other man with a shot to the head.

On Thursday, a grand jury handed up a manslaughter indictment — against the wife, not the husband. [..]

Mark Osler, a Baylor University law school professor and a former federal prosecutor, said the grand jurors evidently put themselves in the husband’s place: “I can see one of them saying, ‘I would have shot the guy, too. I was just protecting my wife.'”‘


Friday, March 30, 2007


‘Dump your children here’ box to stop mothers killing their babies

‘Desperate mothers are being urged to drop their unwanted babies through hatches at hospitals in an effort to halt a spate of infanticides that has shocked Germany.

At least 23 babies have been killed so far this year, many of them beaten to death or strangled by their mothers before being dumped on wasteland and in dustbins.

Police investigating the murders are at a loss to explain the sudden surge in such cases, which have involved mothers of all ages all over the country.’

Ford Stops Sales of Big Super Duty, Recalls 2008 Trucks

‘Ford Motor Co. has ordered dealers to stop selling the new Super Duty pickup with the 6.4-liter diesel engine and is recalling more than 37,000 of the 2008 F-Series trucks after reported tailpipe fires in the diesel version of the pickups.

Ford has received three reports of flames shooting out of tailpipes after either fuel or oil leaked into an area of the exhaust system where diesel particulates are burned off to meet emissions requirements, according to a Ford spokesman.’

(3.2meg Flash video)

see it here »

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


400 Pounds Of Marijuana Found In Ambulance

‘Three men, including a Houston-area paramedic, were arrested after investigators found nearly 400 pounds of marijuana in an ambulance, KPRC Local 2 reported Friday.

Maumelle, Ark., police said they discovered the drugs after the ambulance broke down near a gasoline station.

“An individual, that was actually an off-duty police officer, called and said that he just felt like things were out of sort,” Chief Sam Williams said.

Officers arrived and found the men and the ambulance.

“They were wearing white shirts and black BDU pants,” Williams said. “The white shirts had some rank insignia of them. It would be fair to say that they were wearing clothing that would resemble medical personnel.”‘

Man says sex toy caused his erratic driving

‘A man says it wasn’t the 10 beers and a double cocktail that caused his car to weave before being pulled over by police.

Kristopher Lind says his attention wasn’t fully on his driving because his wife had a sex toy bought that day at a sex show in Vancouver.

At his impaired driving trial in B.C., Lind testified he and his wife were driving in Vancouver when they decided to check out the sex toy.

The package proved difficult for his wife to unwrap, so she handed it to him while he was driving.

He said he opened the package with one hand, using his knee to help steer the car, and did the same again to insert batteries.

Once the device was working, he said, his wife took it.’

Monday, March 19, 2007


Ann Coulter Wins “Stupid Bitch of the Year Award” for 2006

see it here »

Math proves that the Buffy universe harbors no more than 512 vampires

‘Because the thing about the Buffy universe is that the population of vampires is reasonably stable. There are a fair number of vampires around, but not enough to overwhelm the earth. But as it turns out, if you look at that chart above, there’s a very narrow vampire-population window at which equilibrium can be kept.

That’s because powers of two increase slowly at first, then at a hellacious rate. Think of it this way: According to the numbers calculated by the academics, at month five in the year 1600, there are only 16 vampires. That’s such a paltry number than any self-respecting slayer could quickly dispatch them in a few evenings, and the vampire menace would permanently be extinguished. But at month 12 — only a few months later — the number of vampires, unchecked, rises to 2,048. That’s probably too many vampires for a slayer to squelch in a single month.

So the really sweet spot seems to be months eight to ten — when the vampire population would range from 128 to 512, respectively. [..]’


Man Gets $122G for Bite by Sister’s Cat

‘A nasty bite on the hand that a man got from his sister’s Siamese cat is worth $122,400.

A jury on Friday awarded Michael Sabo, 57, the money for an injury he got when the cat, Randy, bit his right hand in March 2004.

Sabo’s fingers swelled so much that they looked like “plump hot dogs,” his attorney, Tom Pabst, told The Flint Journal, and an infection put Sabo in a hospital for three weeks. He had to pay thousands in medical bills.’


Man Freed by DNA Found Guilty in Slaying

‘A man who spent 18 years in prison for a rape he didn’t commit was convicted Sunday of murdering a photographer, whose charred bones were found in a burn pit outside his home.

Steven Avery, 44, shook his head when the verdict was read. He faces a mandatory life prison term for killing Teresa Halbach, 25, on Halloween 2005 near his family’s salvage yard.

Halbach disappeared Oct. 31, 2005, after going to the yard in rural Manitowoc County to photograph a minivan that Avery’s sister had for sale through Auto Trader Magazine. Avery had called that morning to request the photo, testimony showed.’


Saturday, March 17, 2007


Bugs make dress smell like old wine

‘Australian researchers have combined art and science to make dresses from fermented fabric, using bacteria to ‘grow’ slimy dresses from wine and beer. [..]

To ferment fabrics, Cass and his colleagues deliberately let vats of wine go off to produce cellulose.

And to get the shape of a dress, they lifted the layers of slimy cellulose off and laid them over a deflatable doll. [..]

The dresses are made from pieces of cellulose joined together. But Cass hopes one day the team can make the bacteria ferment seamless garments.’


I’m all about the cheese, baby

‘Observe, if you will, the milk jug in question. Good to know our favourite eBay seller isn’t lactose intolerant — and really, milk and pizza go well together. Besides, why not have more bacteria protection on the *other* side of the G4?

I was completely overwhelmed by the situation. How on God’s green earth could anyone think that I’d do the Mypos Dance of Joy over the arrival of a computer, packed with someone’s garbage?’


Man Relieves Himself in Air-Sickness Bag

‘SkyWest Airlines apologized to a passenger who said he wasn’t allowed to use the restroom during a one-hour flight and ended up urinating in an air-sickness bag.

James Whipple said he had two “really big beers” at the Boise, Idaho airport. While on a flight to Salt Lake City on March 7 he wanted to use the cabin restroom.

The captain had declared it off-limits during the short flight because a light wasn’t working.’


Friday, March 16, 2007


What’s that smell? Oh, it’s the police

‘Soothing rose or tangy lemon? If all goes according to plan, people in the western Indian city of Ahmadabad should find themselves confronted by those two scents by the end of the year when they are stopped by police.

The city’s police department is working with a team of designers to provide 8,000 officers with new uniforms that will be made with specially scented, lightweight fabric designed to keep the police officers sweet smelling and sweat free.

“We think that by end of the year, you will notice a new fresh look when you are intercepted by one of our men,” said J. Mahapatra, the city’s police commissioner.’


Malaysian police detain ‘midget’ gang

‘Malaysian police detained an eight-member gang of small-sized robbers dubbed the “midget gang,” who allegedly confessed to committing 14 break-ins over the past three months, a news report said Thursday.

All the gang members, aged between 14 and 23 years, were diminutive, The Star newspaper said without saying whether they were dwarfs or just small.

Some of them who were less than 5 feet tall would be picked to squeeze through small openings into the houses they robbed in central Malaysia, The Star said.

Gang members confessed to their crimes when they were detained, according to the report.’

Vacuum cleaner saves hamster

‘A hamster was rescued from inside a pipe by being sucked up on the end of a vacuum cleaner.

Henry the hamster managed to get trapped in a pipe – that measured 10cm wide and 4ft deep – in the kitchen of a house in Tamworth, Staffordshire.

His owner, from Crossfell, Stonydelph, asked for the assistance of two street wardens after the RSPCA couldn’t help and other rescue attempts failed.

The wardens tried a number of ways to reach Henry, including tying a number of hamster ladders together and Curly Wurly bars tied to a piece of string.

As a last resort they attached a crevice tool to the vacuum cleaner and sucked Henry out. ‘

Comic book used to warn Hispanics about dangers of statutory rape

‘Public health advocates are turning to a new medium to combat statutory rape among Hispanics in Virginia: A comic book warning that sex between teenage girls and older men risks pregnancy or arrest.

The effort grew out of a 2004 rape-prevention campaign that emblazoned the question “Isn’t she a little young?” on everything from billboards to napkins.

To adapt that message for Hispanics, officials created a fotonovela, a type of Latino comic book featuring themes of love and betrayal.

“Getting males to challenge their peers about having sex with teens is hard in any culture,” said Robert Franklin, an outreach coordinator with the state health department. He said a one-size-fits-all approach wouldn’t work. “I can’t just translate ‘Isn’t she a little young?’ into Spanish.”‘

A dad, again and again, again, etc.

‘Ricky Lackey has six children on the way.

Don’t call them sextuplets – they’re each with different women.

When Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Melba Marsh asked Lackey during sentencing Friday on a charge of attempted theft how many children he had, the 25-year-old said, “None, but I have six on the way.”

A stunned Marsh tried to clarify. “Are you marrying a woman with six children?” she asked.

“No, I be concubining,” he said. [..]

Marsh said she wasn’t sure how to respond, so she let the issue drop since it wasn’t relevant to the proceedings.’

Teen finds dog’s head in a gift-wrapped box

‘A 17-year-old girl who spent weeks looking for her missing dog unwrapped a box left on her doorstep and found the pet’s severed head inside, authorities said.

Homicide investigators were looking into the case because of the “implied” terroristic threat, St. Paul Police Sgt. Jim Gray said. The Humane Society of the United States said Wednesday it was offering a reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to an arrest and conviction.

“This was extraordinarily heinous,” said Dale Bartlett, the Humane Society’s deputy manager for animal cruelty issues. “I deal with hundreds and hundreds of cruelty cases each year. When I read about this case, it took my breath away. It’s horrible.”‘

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Boy stays in home with dad’s body for 2 days

‘A 6-year-old boy stayed in an apartment with the body of his father for two days after the man died on their sofa, obeying instructions to never leave without permission, firefighters said.

The boy, whose name was not released, didn’t want to leave even after firefighters arrived, fearing punishment if he left, fire department Maj. Noble Lee said.

“He wasn’t as distraught as one might think,” Lee said. “I don’t think he understands the gravity of the past few days. He wasn’t as upset at the situation as he was about being outside the residence without permission.”‘


Man took call during rape, police say

‘ Timothy Michael Seibert was in the midst of raping a 49-year-old woman, according to police, when he answered a cell phone call from his wife.

The woman was so close to the phone she could hear Seibert’s wife yelling at him, asking him where he was and what he was doing, according to arrest documents filed by Silver Spring Twp. police. [..]

The woman, who knew Seibert, also told police that Seibert had raped her once before on May 5, according to arrest documents. That incident was not reported until Sept. 3.’


TreeHugger-Style Roller Coaster in Japan: It’s Pedal Powered

‘Here is the future of the green amusement park: The Skycycle at Washuzan Highland Park in Okayama, a pedal-powered roller coaster. They clearly have some dramatic topography to take advantage of here, and it looks truly frightening. Most North American amusement parks are on pretty flat terrain but they often build artificial mountains- Demand a green ride like this on the Magic Mountain.

The side-by-side tandem pedal-powered carts have seat belts, and a cute pink basket.’


Boys’ Homemade Book Describes Violent Death Of Girls

‘Sussex County prosecutors are investigating whether there’s any fact to the fiction written by four boys.

“The War of the Boys and the Girls; One Winning Team, Many Losses, Tons of Deaths,” describes the violent deaths of a dozen girls and a female teacher.

The fifth-graders used characters with the same names as actual students at McKeown Elementary School in Hampton.

The students were suspended and psychiatric evaluations are scheduled.

Superintendent Everett Burns has told parents that law enforcement has determined the book does not pose a threat.’


Pelican Eats Pigeon, Again

Not the first time this has happened.

(1.3meg Flash video)

see it here »


Wednesday, March 14, 2007


This time, all the police had to do was listen

‘Sometime Sunday evening, someone broke into five recreational vehicles and two buildings behind the Troutdale Outlet Mall owned by the City of Troutdale’s parks and recreation department.

Tools, generators, sanders, welders and six Motorola two-way radios worth about $6,000 were taken, said Sgt. Steve Bevens of the Troutdale Police Department. The crooks left behind plenty of evidence: blood, footprints and fingerprints.

Not too smart, right? It gets better.

At around 9:30 p.m., police officers listening to the city’s radio network were astonished to hear two men laughing and joking about the “trailer” they had just broken into. Hee-hee, they said, let’s meet at the Plaid Pantry and get some beer.’


Bikini Bitches Go Berserk

(2.2meg Windows media)

see it here »


Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Halliburton to Move Headquarters to Dubai

‘Halliburton, the big energy services company, said today that it would open a corporate headquarters in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai and move its chairman and chief executive, David J. Lesar, there.

The company will maintain its existing corporate office here as well as its incorporation in the United States. [..]

The announcement about the Dubai move, which Halliburton made at a regional energy conference in Bahrain, comes at a time when the company is being investigated by the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission for allegations of improper dealings in Iraq, Kuwait and Nigeria. Halliburton has also paid out billions in settlements in asbestos litigation.’

The Pirate Bay gives diploma to the King of Sweden

‘The diploma is mostly in Swedish so here’s the translation for the ones who do not speak swedish:

“To the King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf,
We hearby give you this diploma as a sign of our appreciation.

We have in a great cooperation made remarkable progress in the fight for positioning Sweden as a prosperous nation regarding technology and culture.

In these progressive days we’ve spread more files than ever. We’ve made history.
We now have the honour to report that The Pirate Bay now archives 200 000, by the citizens donated, documents of culture and we’re tracking more then 500 000 cultural treasures globally.

This is a new world record.”‘

House is an island

‘Developers have turned a house into an island in China after the owner refused to move out.

The villa now stands alone in a 30ft deep man-made pit in Chongqing city, reports Jinbao Daily.

The Chongqing Zhengsheng Real Estate Company wants to turn the area into a £40m ‘Broadway’ square, including apartments and a shopping mall.

But the owner of the villa says he won’t move out unless the company pays his price – the equivalent of £1.3 million.

“The villa owner refuses to move, so the real-estate developer has had to dig out all around it to force him to,” says a saleswoman at Weilian Real Estate Sales Company.’