Posts tagged as: strange

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


The Purloined Sirloin

`Yet most shoppers who use the five-finger discount in the meat aisle are neither so brazen nor so desperate. Carts brimming with groceries, they’ll stealthily slide a single tenderloin or T-bone into a coat pocket, then hit the checkout line alongside their nonlarcenous peers. In this way, millions of pounds of beef, pork, and veal disappear from supermarket shelves each year. Meatlifting is a grave problem for food retailers: According to the Food Marketing Institute, meat was the most shoplifted item in America’s grocery stores in 2005. (It barely edged out analgesics and was a few percentage points ahead of razor blades and baby formula.)

Meat’s dubious triumph is due in part to a law enforcement crackdown on methamphetamine use. [..]’


Ever Seen A Horse Waterskiing?

(1.2meg Windows media)

see it here »


Sunday, January 21, 2007


Baby Balancing Act

‘A guy has taught his six month old baby how to balance on one foot. To make it even cooler the little guy is able to balance while his dad holds him on one hand!’

(2.9meg Windows media)

see it here »


Windy Soccer Game

‘During a soccer game in South America sudden gusts of winds blew signs off the stadium and at the players. Check out the guys dodge these 200-300 lb signs.’

Although, you could probably read “dodge” as “get hit in the head by” in some cases. 🙂

(2.4meg Windows media)

see it here »


Saturday, January 20, 2007


Running from Camera

`The rules are simple: I put the self-timer on 2 seconds, push the button and try to get as far from the camera as I can.’


Woman Claims Dog Feces Is Political Expression

`Invoking Thomas Jefferson and Mr. Hankey from the television series “South Park,” the lawyer for an ex-professor accused of leaving dog feces at a congresswoman’s office said her client’s actions qualify as protected speech under the First Amendment.

Kathleen Ensz faces a misdemeanor charge of “use of a noxious substance.” She is accused of taking dog feces from her backyard, wrapping it in a political mailer from Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, and leaving it at the Republican’s office, according to court documents.

Ensz, a Democrat, was angered by repeatedly receiving mailings from Musgrave, the documents said.’

Baby born with brain outside skull

Surprised the baby is even alive, really.

(16.4meg mpeg)

see it here »


Friday, January 19, 2007


Mother Says Boy Needed a Male Role Model

`A determined 9-year-old runaway who managed to board flights from Seattle to Texas in efforts to rejoin his grandfather in Dallas was seeking a father figure, his mother said.

Sakinah Booker said her son dislikes his new neighborhood, is afraid of a sex offender who lives nearby and has been impatient with her efforts to move back to Dallas.

She said her son, Semaj Booker, misses having a father.

“He needs a male role model and he’s really seeking it,” she said Thursday morning in a report aired on CNN. [..]

Meanwhile, authorities scrambled to determine how Semaj, an 80-pound, 4-foot-9 fourth grader, managed to slip through airline and airport security.’

Fish With A Human Face

Kinda strange and kinda cool at the same time.

see it here »


Man shoots electricity from his fingers

Attaching yourself to the coil from a TV cathode tube probably isn’t the safest thing in the world. Looks cool though. 🙂

see it here »

Tasered For Wearing A Hat

`Charles Littleton, 22, was defiant, even after being Tasered by police, when he resisted efforts to remove him from a Saginaw, Mich., City Council meeting. He said he had to stand up for his right to wear his Los Angeles Dodgers baseball cap, despite a rule banning hats for men inside. “It means more than just a hat,” he said. “It’s like my crown. It’s like asking a king to remove his crown.”’

‘Half-Animal’ Woman Is Discovered After Spending 19 Years Alone in Cambodian Jungle

`A woman who disappeared in the jungles of northeastern Cambodia as a child has apparently been found after living in the wild for 19 years, police said Thursday.

The woman — believed to be Rochom P’ngieng, now 27 years old — cannot speak any intelligible language, so details of her saga have been difficult to confirm.

“She is like half-human and half-animal,” said Mao San, police chief of Oyadao district in Rattanakiri province. “She’s weird. She sleeps during the day and stays up at night.”‘

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Toddler Dies After Head Crushed in Florida Car Wash

`An 18-month-old girl died after her head was crushed by an automatic car wash machine, police said.

Jaharra Brown slipped out of her aunt’s car while her mother and aunt vacuumed their cars Thursday. She wandered into the car wash, which was about 35 feet from the car, police said.

It was unclear whether the toddler fell down inside the car wash or was knocked down by machine parts, Police Chief Glenn Kimbrel said.

A boy inside a vehicle going through the car wash noticed Jaharra lying on the ground next to a car-carrying rail. The boy told his mother, who began screaming for help, The News Herald reported.’


Reward Offered in Sodomy of Puppy

`Police are looking for suspects in the apparent sexual assault of a pit bull puppy in Newark.

The Associated Humane Societies of Newark was notified at 7 a.m. Tuesday by the Newark Police Department that a pit bull puppy had been sodomized by a local resident. An ambulance was dispatched to 321 Seth Boyden Terrace in Newark to rescue the injured animal.

“She was so cold to the touch, she’s in shock. She’s bleeding internally, and she couldn’t even get up,” Debbie Beyfuss of AHS told 1010 WINS. “We’re all sick over this.” ‘


Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Breast-enhancing beer gains popularity

`Since Bulgaria joined the European Union, sales of Boza Ale, which claims to give women bigger breasts, has skyrocketed.

European men have been purchasing the beer, made from yeast and fermented flour, for European women since the extra taxes were removed with EU participation, Britain’s the Sun reported Monday.

Bar owners and shopkeepers are also stocking up, the report said.’


Fizzy Fruit hopes bubbles tickle kids’ appetite for fruit

`Better-for-you snacking has come down to this: fresh fruit all but guaranteed to make kids belch.

It’s Fizzy Fruit – whole grapes or slices of apples or pineapples carbonated in a secret process with the same carbon dioxide that’s in soft drinks but without added sugar. [..]

Food scientist Steven Witherly predicts kids may like it so much that overall fruit consumption actually could rise. But Witherly, author of the upcoming book Why Humans Like Junk Food, warns, “The consumption of non-fizzed fruit may decrease.”

One nutritionist is concerned. “Will this get kids used to eating fruit in an unnatural form and deter them from eating it in a natural form?” asks Kelly Brownell, director of the Yale Center for Eating and Weight Disorders. “It’s sad that we’ve come to this state of affairs.”‘


Gandhi Video On YouTube Under Fire

‘Hawaii-based NRI comedian, Gautham Prasad has created a huge controversy in India, with his parody of Mahatma Gandhi. The 3 minute 24 second act, on Google’s video sharing site, YouTube, has resulted in angry protests across Ahmedabad , Bhubhaneshwar, Varanasi, with the vulgar portrayal of Gandhi.

The video, shot in the US, shows Prasad clad in Gandhi’s trademark attire, pole dancing and stripping for an audience. Records on YouTube show the video, called ‘Time to get sexy’ was uploaded a month ago.’

see it here »


Mom shows body to teach sex

`A mother surnamed Zhang who uses her body to teach her son sex education has sparked controversy in Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province. During a gynecological examination at the Wuhan Health Center for Women and Children last Thursday, Zhang brought her son into the examination room, letting him see her body and telling him how a woman becomes pregnant and delivers.

Zhang said she wanted to educate her son, a 14-year-old grade 2 junior middle school student, correctly. Others, including doctors, said she should use better teaching methods.’

Bizarre Giant Boob Dolls

This is some sort of art or some bizarre new fetish. Maybe both.


Mysterious samurai saves Police in UK

`A group of men had forced their way into a house and were ransacking the place when passing plain-clothes officers were alerted by a woman inside screaming.

The criminals outnumbered them and were armed with a hammer, knives and chains and attacked the Police officers.

As one of them stabbed at a Policeman with his knife, a mysterious do-gooder appeared from nowhere and attacked him with a samurai sword.

One of the burglars began running away but was stopped by the stranger who struck him on the arm with the sword.

Two of the criminals were arrested, but in true hero style the samurai disappeared before police could speak to him.’

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Six-legged cow probably heralds apocalypse

‘Residents of the Colombian town of Villa Vieja got a bit of a surprise when a calf was born with six legs, two sets of genitals and two udders.

‘The calf has six legs, two vaginas and six nipples,’ explained the animal’s owner, Salvador Vanegas.

Vanegas, who has been raising cattle for many years, said it was the first time he has seen a calf born with that many legs and vaginas.’

see it here »


Couple Caught Having Sex In Bank

‘A French couple is busted having sex in a bank by a group of teenagers with a cell phone camera from across the street. A bit long and shaky but the woman’s reaction when she realizes she was just caught is pretty priceless.’

(21.9meg Windows media)

see it here »

Angry Old Man

Something about a cup of tea and Jesus Christ.

see it here »

Will Saudis Ban the Letter ‘X’?

`The letter “X” soon may be banned in Saudi Arabia because it resembles the mother of all banned religious symbols in the oil kingdom: the cross.

The new development came with the issuing of another mind-bending fatwa, or religious edict, by the infamous Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice – the group of senior Islamic clergy that reigns supreme on all legal, civil, and governance matters in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.’

Hunt for fry-up tattoo volunteer

`If you have ever fancied having a full fry-up breakfast tattooed on your head, Blane Dickinson could make your unlikely dream come true.

The tattoo artist is searching for someone willing to turn themselves into a live exhibition of the classic bacon and eggs way to start the day.

Mr Dickinson, from Penmaenmawr, Conwy, wants to take his model around UK tattoo competitions.

It would include a knife and fork behind each ear.’


Monday, January 15, 2007


Body found in airplane’s wheel well

`A body was found in an airplane wheel well after a Delta Air Lines flight from Africa landed in Atlanta on Friday morning, airline spokeswoman Betsy Talton said.

The flight had left Dakar, Senegal, more than nine hours earlier. It landed at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

Airline officials said the man was not carrying any identification.

No additional details were available pending an investigation by federal and local law enforcement.’


Björk’s Stalker video

These are parts of some videos made back in 1996 by a guy who was apparently stalking Björk. He went crazier and crazier before sending Björk a parcel bomb and killing himself.

see it here »


Student Choked By Assistant Principal

`It started over a dress code violation, hardly reason enough to throw away an academic career and certainly no reason to be charged with a felony.

“I have goals I want to achieve and this is stopping that,” says 17-year old Sabrina Herndon.

Herndon was wearing a jacket and strapless top and was changing in the girl’s locker room at Palm Beach Gardens High School.

A teacher noticed the strapless top which is a dress code violation. Herndon says with the jacket though, the top is within dress code.

A male assistant principal then entered the girl’s locker room, and within minutes Herndon was in a choke hold.’


WWII veteran found decapitated

`A World War II veteran has been found decapitated in the backyard of the northern NSW home where he lived alone for two decades, in a sickening and seemingly motiveless murder.

The severed head of 82-year-old Mark Hutchinson was found lying next to his body, said an ambulance spokesman in Armidale.

Relatives made the grisly find in the yard that backs onto a bike path and parkland when they called to see Mr Hutchinson yesterday, police said.’


Sunday, January 14, 2007


The best circular bike ever made

`Nine salvaged bikes were reassembled into a carousel formation. The bike is modular and can be dismantled and reassembled. It is normally left in public places where it can attract a variety of riders.’