Posts tagged as: strange

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Woman suffers staple wounds to face, scalp

`David Lillie, 29, was arrested Sunday and booked for investigation of kidnapping and aggravated assault, said police spokesman Sgt. Andy Hill.

Police were responding to a 911 call that a woman could be heard yelling and screaming in the back of a box truck parked in a church parking lot when they stopped the truck as it was pulling away, Hill said.

The man told police there was a woman in the back of the truck. Officers found her unconscious with numerous staple wounds on her face and scalp and a staple gun next to her, Hill said.’


Baby put through X-ray machine at LAX

`A one-month-old baby has been checked and cleared by a Los Angeles hospital after being put through an airport X-ray machine.

Authorities at Los Angeles International Airport say an inexperienced traveler mistakenly put her grandson through a carry-on luggage screener.

A startled security worker noticed the shape of a child and immediately pulled the baby out. A spokesman for LAX says the incident Saturday was an innocent mistake.’


Kids’ tears over vicar’s Santa message

`Children left a school Christmas assembly in tears after claiming a vicar said Father Christmas does not exist.

Teachers at St George’s C of E Primary in Mossley told the Rev Martin Dowland he had upset children after reading `Why Jesus Is Better Than Santa Claus’.

It was during the reading with colleague the Rev Richard Lindsay, of St George’s Church, that Mr Dowland is reported to have said: “You all should know by now that he (Santa Claus) is not real.” Parents said they were stunned. And Mr Dowland, of St Mary’s Church, Haughton Green, said a teacher made him aware some children were upset, but denied he actually said Santa was not real.’


Hot Dog Mailed Between Sisters for 54 Years

`Flora Zimbelman says it all started 54 years ago when she put an uncooked hot dog in her sister’s suitcase.

“I don’t know what made me do it. The devil I guess,” she said.

Flora’s sister, Rose, found the hot dog when she opened the suitcase back up in Idaho, where she lived at the time.

“She mailed it back to me telling me to keep my garbage at home,” said Flora.

The game was on.’

Hibernation helped man survive 24 days in wild

`A Japanese civil servant has described for the first time how he survived for more than three weeks in a mountain forest without food or water in what doctors believe is the first known case of a human in hibernation. [..]

When a climber found him 24 days later, Mr Uchikoshi’s body temperature had fallen to just 22 degrees, his pulse was barely discernible and he was suffering from multiple organ failure and blood loss. Doctors who treated him believe he lost consciousness after his fall and his body’s survival instincts kicked in, sending him into a state akin to hibernation as the temperature on the mountain dropped as low as 10 degrees.’


Slapping Hoes

Two women slapping each other in the face.

(1.5meg Flash video)

see it here »

Woman with two wombs makes history

`A 23-year-old British woman is thought to have made medical history by giving birth to three babies in two wombs. In September this year, Hannah Kersey, from Northam in Devon, had twins who were conceived in one womb, and a third daughter who grew in another.

Dr Ellis Downes, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Chase Farm hospital in London, said: “This is so rare you cannot put odds on it. I have never heard of this happening anywhere before. It is quite amazing. Women with two wombs have conceived a baby in each womb before, but never twins in one and a singleton in the other.”‘

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Drummer Boys

‘Another clip from the World Leaders’

see it here »


Fire On The Line

`This is a weblog written by a real life prison guard.’

A portion of one of the stories:

`I didn’t watch them remove the carrot. It made my penis hurt to even think about it. He was yelling and screaming the whole time but I think it was more for attention than any pain.

When they were finished one of the nurses informed me that the cuts were all superficial ‘attention getters’ and had stopped bleeding on their own. Then she showed me the carrot. It was about half an inch across and as long as my pinky.

Me: “How the hell did he fit that in there?”

Nurse: “Practice, I guess.”‘


Hoax penguin website fools shoppers

`A hoax American website claiming to sell live penguins that have been farmed in New Zealand has fooled some people into trying to buy the cold water birds.

Penguin Warehouse Inc has offered to ship seven types of penguins around the world, claiming their aim is to “dispel the myth that penguins do not make good house guests”, while also “ridding the house of pesky krill”, Christchurch’s The Press newspaper reported.

An American woman bought a large portable swimming pool, which she installed in her living-room ready for a penguin she dubbed Magellan.’


Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Guy on a bike hits a tree

This is a slightly amusing way to land.

see it here »

Head-butt by horse restores man’s sight

`A second World War veteran who was blinded in his right eye when he was hit by shrapnel can see again after being head-butted by a pedigree racehorse.

Doctors tried in vain for 64 years to restore Don Karkos’s sight, until My Buddy Chimo stepped in. [..]

“Being kicked is part of the job, but I’ve never been hit that hard.

“I was pretty shaken up, kind of dazed. Then, later that night, I started to get the vision back in my right eye.

“It was unbelievable. I’ve been seeing doctors all my life, and they’ve always told me there is nothing can be done.”‘

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


The birds and the bears – why old black eyes is back

`After 20 years of trial and error, scientists at Wolong boast they can now breed pandas at will. To counter the suggestion that the captive animals may be too naive about the birds and the bears, the keepers have provided sex education in the form of wildlife videos – dubbed “panda porn” – showing the animals mating in the forests.

To boost sex drive, they once tried the remedy used by countless millions of humans: Viagra. “We’ll never do that again,” Mr Zhang says. “The panda was excited for 24 hours.”

Another challenge was the risk of in-breeding. To widen the genetic stock, researchers had to come up with a way to find a mate for even the least popular females. How did they do that? “We tricked them,” Mr Zhang says with a smile. [..]

“When the males find out, they get very angry and start fighting the female,” Mr Zhang says. “We have had to use firecrackers and a water hose to separate them.”‘


Monday, December 18, 2006


Unemployed German Man Stirs Debate

`The 37-year-old, who has been without work for six years, chanced upon Kurt Beck, chairman of the Social Democrats – the center-left half of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s federal coalition.

Beck was a perfect target for Frank’s frustration, and he harangued the politician for what he saw as the failure of economic reforms aimed at lifting people like himself – a construction worker – out of unemployment and into a better life.

Beck’s retort? “If you would just wash and shave, you’d find a job, too.”

Two days later, Frank lopped off his locks, shaved his dark beard and removed his nose rings. Then he organized a news conference.’


Be a bloke: the other war for women soldiers

`A strang sight greeted investigators when they arrived at HMAS Creswell naval base during their inquiry into harassment in the defence force.

Women trainees on the sports field were wearing the same singlets as the men, complete with gaping arm holes. This posed awkward problems as the women tried to train and cover their breasts at the same time.

In the base’s toilet block – which commanders insisted on being unisex, because that is how life on a ship works – only one cubicle had a sanitary disposal unit.

The investigators came away believing the Australian Defence Force had – in the words of one investigator, the former Public Service Commissioner Andrew Podger – “some way to go on the appreciation of women”.’


Sunday, December 17, 2006


Twin Teachers In High School Sex Bust

`Meet Franca and Antonia Munoz-Juvera. The 26-year-old twins work as teachers at the same California high school. And they’re both facing felony charges as a result of an illicit sexual relationship with a female student. According to Riverside County sheriff’s investigators, Franca (pictured below at left) had a sexual relationship with the underage girl, for which she was arrested yesterday and charged with lewd acts with a minor. While Antonia was not hit with a sex crime, she was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor because she was allegedly aware of her sister’s involvement with the girl.’

Mother gets jail time for having kids snap nude photos of her

`A former Allentown woman who admitted that she ordered her 12-year old son and 13-year-old daughter to take pictures of her in seductive nude poses showed up in court today wearing jeans with “Booty” emblazoned on the left rear pocket and “Licious” on the right in what appeared to be rhinestones.

Northampton County Judge Stephen G. Baratta sent Julie Figueroa, 43, to state prison for nine months to four years for endangering the welfare of children. Figueroa’s adult daughter jumped to her feet as deputy sheriffs clamped handcuffs on Figueroa’s wrists. “Excuse me!” she shouted. “Can I say goodbye to my mother?”

The daughter, who did not give her name but earlier gave her age as 20, continued to sob and yell.

“Ma’am,” Baratta said sharply, “Be quiet.”

“This isn’t fair,” the daughter screamed.’


Court rules in favor of topless protester

`The Ormond Beach grandmother who has challenged the city with topless protests won another court case Thursday when a judge ruled her breast-bearing demonstration outside Peabody Auditorium was not disorderly conduct.

Elizabeth Book has been in and out of court since 2004 when the activist bared her breasts in a First Amendment demonstration during Bike Week on the Main Street bridge.

She was acquitted that year after city attorneys took her to court claiming she violated the public nudity ordinance, but was soon at it again. Book, 44, pulled her top down on two more occasions in her crusade to decriminalize women who show their breasts and to encourage breast-feeding.’

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Homemade suicide guillotine

`A man killed himself by ramming a carving knife into his skull with a homemade ‘guillotine’.

He rigged up a bizarre contraption to drop the knife down a 25ft drainpipe and into his brain.

The unnamed man tied the plastic drainpipe to an electricity pylon and suspended the knife from the top of the pipe with a rope.

Then he sat below the drainpipe and let go of the rope, sending the heavy knife plunging through his skull. [..]

A post-mortem examination revealed that the man died as a result of his head injury.’

Friday, December 15, 2006


The 40 Best Celebrity Rumors Ever

`35. Walt Disney is cryogenically frozen beneath the Pirates of the Caribbean

33. Napoleon’s Bonaparte is a collector’s item

27. Led Zeppelin violated a groupie with a fish

26. Courteney Cox bleaches her . . .

18. Jennifer Lopez insured her ass

10. Catherine the Great died while having sex with a horse

3. Nancy Reagan was a blowjob queen’


Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Boy battles hawk to save pup

`Chris Campo had to fight a wild beast for his puppy’s life on Friday when a red tailed hawk tried to turn the youngster’s Dachshund into dinner.

But, a well-placed kick by Campo to the hawk’s head freed 5-month-old Dimi, who quickly high-tailed it to safety. [..]

“I go outside and there was this enormous red tailed hawk and it had attacked the dog on its leash,” said Charles Campo. “It was trying to carry the dog off, and my son wouldn’t let go and he fought off the hawk. My son was literally fighting a hawk – I was stunned.”’


Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Let Blind Hunters Use Lasers

`A lawmaker in this firearm-friendly state wants to help more people get the chance to shoot live animals – even if those people can’t see.

A bill filed for the 2007 legislative session would permit legally blind hunters to use laser sights, or lighted pointing instruments.

“This opens up the fun of hunting to additional people, and I think that’s great,” said Republican Rep. Edmund Kuempel, the bill’s sponsor.’


Gun-Waving Sermon Lands Pastor in Pokey

`The pastor of a Mount Airy church accused of brandishing a gun as part of his sermon is free on bond after being charged with possession of a firearm by a felon. [..]

“I use parables,” he said. “Once I pretended to be a blind man with a cane, glasses and can with coins. Why didnt they arrest me for impersonating a blind man?”

Whitaker was arrested during church services Sunday. He was released Monday after posting a $20,000 bond.’

Man rams Portland Police, upset about NOT being pulled over

`Portland Police Spokesperson Brian Schmautz said shortly after 5:00 p.m. Friday night officers at the Northeast Precinct on NE Emerson St. got a call that someone had just hit one of their patrol cars, then backed up and hit it again. [..]

Klopf apparently told officers he was upset because he had been driving around on city streets at over 100 mph and no one ever pulled him over to give him a ticket.’

Friday, December 8, 2006


10 Most Bizarre People on Earth

`Bihari: most officially dead person

Lal Bihari (born 1961) is a farmer from Uttar Pradesh, India who was officially dead from 1976 to 1994. He founded Mritak Sangh or the Association of the Dead in Uttar Pradesh, India. He fought Indian government bureaucracy for 18 years to prove that he is alive. [..]

Bawden: the self-elected Pope Michael I, from Kansas

[..] Sedevacantists argue that if the College of Cardinals will not or cannot elect a valid pope, ordinary Catholics can do so, under the principle of “Epikeia” (Equity). Acting on the basis of this, David Bawden was elected Pope by six people on 1990 (including himself and his parents). He is still on the job to this day.’


Six hurt as tornado hits London

‘Many people are spending the night in a respite centre after a tornado ripped through several streets in north-west London.

Up to 150 houses and many cars were damaged when the freak weather hit the Kensal Rise area.

One man in his 50s suffered a serious head injury and five were treated for minor injuries and shock.

Fire services have sealed six roads in a zone covering a quarter of a square mile and searched at least 100 homes.’

Also a video of the London tornado damage.

see it here »


Thursday, December 7, 2006


Orgasmatron 3000

`After being invited to take part in a design exhibition on the theme of a Bordello, Dominic Wilcox came up with his own take on the subject.

This Leather clad washing machine and saddle aims bring the fun back to housework.

Instructions: After turning the dial to the required setting, press the ‘on’ button and climb into the saddle with your legs at the front of the machine.’


Woman, 75, douses alleged thief with gas

`Carjacked at knifepoint while pumping gas, a 75-year-old woman didn’t give in without a fight. Mary Gean Smyth opened the door of her sport utility vehicle and doused the assailant in gas.

“I’m sure he was burning like mad,” Smyth said of the Tuesday carjacking. “I mean, I drowned him right in the face.”

Police caught up to Smyth’s GMC Denali Envoy at a restaurant and arrested 52-year-old John Clay Stricker Jr., a transient with an address in the North Texas town of Lake Kiowa, Tyler police spokesman Don Martin said.

Smyth said police told her the suspect had apparently taken a shower because he had a bag with fuel-soaked clothes and a bar of soap, the Tyler Morning Telegraph reported in its Wednesday editions.’

Crazy Old Guy In A Tree

Doesn’t look like he wants to come down. 🙂

see it here »


Wednesday, December 6, 2006


Father gave daughters Speed drug

`A father who gave his two daughters amphetamines to teach them about the dangers of drugs has been sentenced.

Colin Moyse, 50, of Gorleston, Norfolk, admitted to giving Class B amphetamines – known as Speed – to his daughters between December 2005 and January 2006.

He was given a conditional discharge of two years.

Norwich Crown Court heard that Moyse wanted his daughters, aged 13 and 12, to know what the drug tasted like in case somebody spiked their drinks.

Moyse, said to be “anti-drugs”, put some amphetamine on his fingertips and told the girls to taste it.’