Posts tagged as: unlucky


Thursday, September 13, 2007


Biker Crashes Into Tree

‘A biker crashes directly into a tree and needs to be helicoptered to a hospital where he stayed for 3 months. That looked painful.’

(1.9meg Flash video)

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Vast majority expect another 9/11

‘Six years after the September 11 attacks on the United States and the subsequent “war on terror”, more than nine out of 10 Americans believe they will be attacked again on US soil.

And 81 per cent of Americans considered the plane hijackings that killed about 3000 people the most significant historical event of their lives, according to a poll released today.

Ninety per cent of people on the east coast – had this view compared to 75 per cent on the west coast.’


Freak Accident Sends Kid to ER

This fellow jumps off a balcony into a pile of sticks and leaves. Surely there’s nothing in that pile that can penetrate his face? 🙂

‘I’ve had worse before.’

(1.9meg Flash video)

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A little extra something in the smoke at Oakland home fire

‘Firefighters battling a blaze at a home in the Oakland hills this morning discovered a marijuana-growing operation, authorities said.

The two-story home at 4969 Stoneridge Court was being renovated so the entire second floor could be used to grow pot, fire Capt. Melinda Drayton said. Firefighters found more than 50 plants when they arrived at the home, which was otherwise unoccupied, around 3 a.m.

The fire “appears to have started from electricity being used for the cultivation operation,” Drayton said. “I’m not going to say (the electrical wiring) was illegal, but it looked like it was not up to code.” [..]

“This is becoming very common,” Drayton said of home marijuana-growing operations. She said electrical systems often pose a danger when they are altered for anything other than normal residential use.’

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Thousands of GIs Cope With Brain Damage

‘The war in Iraq is not over, but one legacy is already here in this city and others across America: an epidemic of brain-damaged soldiers.

Thousands of troops have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, or TBI. These blast-caused head injuries are so different from the ones doctors are used to seeing from falls and car crashes that treating them is as much faith as it is science.

“I’ve been in the field for 20-plus years dealing with TBI. I have a very experienced staff. And they’re saying to me, ‘We’re seeing things we’ve never seen before,'” said Sandy Schneider, director of Vanderbilt University’s brain injury rehabilitation program. [..]

“It’s the so-called invisible injury. It’s where a troop takes 10 times the normal time to pack his rucksack … a complicated injury to the most complicated part of the body,” said Dr. Alisa Gean, a neurosurgeon at the University of California, San Francisco.’

59% Say US Has Changed for the Worse Since 9/11

‘Ever since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, many Americans have believed that the events of that horrible day changed the United States forever. Each year that has gone by has seen an increase in the number who believe those changes have not been good for the nation.

Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Americans now believe that the events of six years ago changed America for the worse. That’s an increase from 54% a year ago. Just 21% believe that the nation has changed for the better because of that tragedy.’

Maybe it’s Osama who needs a big “Mission Accomplished” banner.


Rudemaster Bus jibes at Ken

‘A double-decker is driven through London’s streets yesterday — carrying an obscene jibe about Mayor Ken Livingstone on its roof.

Office staff roared with laugher on reading “Livingstone is a cunt!” in 3ft-high letters.

Vandals’ cruel handiwork went unseen at Wood Green bus depot as it was not visible at street level.

Matt Arney, 26, took the snap near the Thames Embankment.

He said: “Everyone dashed to the window. It was hilarious.”‘

see it here »

Mystery Goo Ignites in Boston Trash Boat

‘A mysterious gooey material burst into flames after being hauled into a trash boat on the Charles River on Thursday, injuring three crew members.

The crew had picked up what they described as a taffy-like substance about eight inches long along with other trash and placed it in a container on their boat. It caught fire as the boat returned to the center of the river near the Massachusetts Avenue bridge connecting Boston and Cambridge, said Jake Wark, a spokesman for the Suffolk District Attorney’s office.

Wark said two crew members had first- and second-degree burns that were not life-threatening. A third crew member had minor burns, as did two emergency medical technicians who came into contact with the substance, he said.’


Japanese schoolchildren fed toxic dolphin meat

‘Councillors from the home of the Japan’s whaling industry have revealed that schoolchildren in the area have been served dolphin meat containing dangerous levels of mercury, prompting warnings of a potential public health disaster as the country attempts to boost consumption of cetacean meat.

In a rare departure from the official line that the meat is safe and nutritious, two assembly members from Taiji in Wakayama prefecture broke ranks to say that tests on samples of short-finned pilot whales – a type of large dolphin, despite its name – had found mercury levels 10 to 16 times higher than those advised by the health ministry.

“In kindergartens, elementary schools and middle schools, children are served the meat two or three times a month, but their parents believe that it comes from whales caught in the Antarctic. They seem to be unaware that their children are eating these pilot whales,” said Hisato Ryono, who described the meat as “toxic waste”.’

Nasty Wakeboard Accident

‘This wakeboarder has a nasty accident as he is being pulled under a bridge.’

(965kB Flash video)

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Rally Car Drivers Ram House

The corner is a little bit too tight, and the house is a little bit too close. 🙂

(5.0meg Flash video)

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Army sniffer dog Merlin killed in accident

‘He survived landmines and the best efforts of the Taliban’s bomb makers – but could not dodge an accident at the hands of his own side.
Today it emerged that an Australian army explosive detection dog, Merlin ,has been killed while on active service in Afghanistan.

The Australian Defence Force said today the dog died when accidentally run over by an Australian Light Armoured Vehicle (ASLAV) at the Australian Reconstruction Task Force (RTF) base at Tarin Kowt earlier this month.

Merlin had been lying in the shade of the ASLAV when the vehicle drove off, inadvertently running the dog over.’


Zombie Pfizer Computers Spew Viagra Spam

‘Computers inside pharmaceutical giant Pfizer’s network are spamming the internet with e-mails touting the company’s flagship erectile-enhancement drug Viagra, along with ads for knockoff Rolexes and shady junk stocks.

But the e-mails are not part of Pfizer’s official marketing efforts.

Pfizer’s computers appear to have been infected with malware that has transformed them into zombie computers sending spam at the behest of a hacker. Oddly enough, they are spamming the public’s inboxes with ads for the company’s own product.

“There is a disaster inside this company, and they don’t know it,” says Rick Wesson, CEO of Support Intelligence — a small San Francisco-based security company that alerted Wired News to the problem.’


Diver Fails At Jumping Off A Boat

(359kB Flash video)

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Saturday, September 8, 2007



‘The company who has been doing billing for our websites is no longar able to accept credit card payments of any kind for bestiality content, and because of this, is shutting down. This company has been our web host and also collected payments for two thirds of our total sales. There is simply not enough money coming in to sustain our operation any longer, and we are in the process of liquidation. If you have been waiting to order, wait no longer. We may be closing sooner than October 31. After our closing, it is likely that this website will never reopen. If we do reopen at some point in the future, we have no idea what date that will be. And petlust will never again sell dvds, even if we are able to open again (it would only sell digital downloads of the movies).

We will not be producing ANY new bestiality movies, so please do not ask about starring in a movie.’

Followup to Petlust Videos.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Bush Restricting Travel Rights of Over 100,000 U.S. Citizens

‘The freedom to travel of more than 100,000 Americans placed on “watch” and “no fly” lists is being restricted by the Bush-Cheney regime.

Citizens who have done no more than criticize the president are being banned from airline flights, harassed at airports, strip searched, roughed up and even imprisoned, feminist author and political activist Naomi Wolf reports in her new book, “The End of America.”(Chelsea Green Publishing)

“Making it more difficult for people out of favor with the state to travel back and forth across borders is a classic part of the fascist playbook,” Wolf says. She noticed starting in 2002 that “almost every time I sought to board a domestic airline flight, I was called aside by the Transportation Security Administration(TSA) and given a more thorough search.”

During one preboarding search, a TSA agent told her “You’re on the list” and Wolf learned it is not a list of suspected terrorists but of journalists, academics, activists, and politicians “who have criticized the White House.”‘

Thousands of crimes by under-10s

‘Almost 3,000 crimes were reported last year where the suspect was too young to be prosecuted, the BBC has learned.

Figures show about 1,300 incidents of criminal damage and arson, and more than 60 sex offences where suspects were under-10s in England and Wales.

If a child is nine or under, he or she cannot be charged with an offence but there are calls for the age of criminal responsibility to be lowered. [..]

Lawrence Lee, who was solicitor for Jon Venables, one of two 10-year-olds who murdered two-year-old James Bulger in 1993, said lowering the age of criminal responsibility would send an important message to child offenders.

He added: “As a defence lawyer I would say no, it wouldn’t be a good thing.

“But if I wear my citizen’s hat, I would say if you go along to any estate and see the age of kids marauding around like a pack of wolves, you’d see that reducing the age of criminal responsibility to eight or nine would be vital.”‘

Wyoming man entangled in car wash

‘A Wyoming teenager is dead after being caught in machinery at a car wash. Ricardo Martinez, 18, was an employee at the “Goo Goo 3-minute Car Wash” on 28th street.

Martinez was cleaning the brushes, preparing to close for the night, when he let one more customer go through Friday night. Somehow he got tangled in hoses, crushed in the machinery, and was found by another customer who saw the lights on, and came in for a car wash.

Police aren’t discussing the graphic details of how it happened, but they’re sure it was a terrible accident, because it was captured on tape from a security camera.

Lt. Scott Gardner, with the Wyoming Police Department said, “Had it not been for the video there would certainly have been a lot more questions about how this actually happened because it’s so different and unusual.”‘


Helicopter Nose Dives Into Lake

‘A pilot tries to fly a helicopter for the first time over a lake and loses control causing the chopper to crash into the lake.’

(1.0meg Flash video)

see it here »

Liberia discovers ‘ghost’ workers

‘Liberia’s government says it has found more than 7,000 ‘ghost’ workers on its payroll – employees who do not actually exist, or do not work for it.

The discovery was made when the government embarked on a civil service overhaul to improve efficiency.

The Civil Service Agency head, William Allen, told the BBC that the ghost workers “got there through the usual avenue, which is corruption”.

He said they had cost Liberian tax payers about $2.6m (ÂŁ1.3m) a year.’


Horrific airshow plane crash

‘The two planes careered into each other in mid air with devastating consequences – the aicrcraft were completely blown apart by the force of the collsion.

Debris was blasted across the sky as smoke billowed from the cockpits.

Spectators at the airshow, 60 miles from Warsaw, were horrified as they looked up and saw the killer smash.

It is understood that both pilots died in the collision.’

(1.1meg Flash video)

Horrific Airshow Crash

see it here »

Wussy Skater Fight

‘Fuck! You! Oh shit! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!’

(526kB Flash video)

see it here »


Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Never Trust Sat-Nav!

‘I was pottering along (thankfully not in the Skyline) the other day and following my sat-nav when it decided to direct me up a lane which was deemed “Not Suitable for Motor Vehicles” according to the road sign at it’s entrance. Thinking this may spruce up an otherwise uneventful journey, I took this to be a challange.

So, around 2 miles in to the lane, I was bobbing along at a steady 40 and couldn’t see what the bid deal was. Even the ex (although hardly the benchmark for intelligence and awareness) didn’t notice anything to be out of the norm. Until I had to slow down for a corner – and sank [..]’


Little Kid Taken Down

‘Little kid jumps from the top of the garbage can onto his buddy. The second go round he gets a little surprise.’

(1.4meg Flash video)

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Maggots fall into maternity ward

‘Managers have apologised after maggots from a dead seagull fell through the ceiling of the maternity unit at Scarborough Hospital.

Medical director Dr Ian Holland said the bird had died on the roof, which was not an area covered by regular maintenance checks.

He stressed there was no health risk to patients or babies at any time.

“Living at the seaside, seagulls are a part of our lives, but this was entirely unforeseeable,” he added.’


Oops, another top secret exposed

‘A man looking for a new home on an online mapping service has stumbled across an aerial image of a US nuclear-powered submarine in dry dock showing a part of the vessel that wasn’t meant to be seen.

The image – which appears on Microsoft’s Virtual Earth mapping service – is of the seven-bladed propeller used on an Ohio class ballistic missile submarine.

The vessel was being worked on at a dry dock at the Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor in Washington State, in the north-west of the United States. The base is part of Bangor’s Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific which houses the largest nuclear weapons arsenal.

Propeller designs have been closely guarded secrets since the days of the Cold War. It is still common for them to be draped with tarps or removed and covered when a submarine is out of the water.

The propeller design is an integral part of a submarine’s ability to remain undetected during operations, ensuring that it can patrol the seas in stealth without giving its position away to surface ships.’


APEC security fear: Who’s got the rocket launchers?

‘When George W. Bush flies into Sydney tonight, one very awkward question will be in the minds of Australian security staff: where are the rocket launchers?

The failure to be able to answer that question comes at the end of one of the most extraordinary searches seen in this country – involving, at different times, up to 30 officers from ASIO, the Australian Federal Police and NSW Police.

APEC has always been a deadline to find the weapons – people don’t take rocket launchers to hold up the corner store so whoever knows where they are is almost certainly prepared to use them to cause major damage. [..]

But the fact that there are nine rocket launchers believed to be in the vicinity of Sydney as a meeting of world leaders begins has meant in recent months this operation has become one of the highest priorities of ASIO.’

Boogie Board Faceplant

‘For some people they are just naturally good at water sports like surfing and boogie boarding, as if they were born in water. This kid is not one of those people.’

(628kB Flash video)

see it here »

‘Vatican air’ passengers’ holy water confiscated

‘The passengers on board the Vatican’s first flight to Lourdes may have been pilgrims in search of spiritual healing, but they still had to obey anti-terrorism rules, it has emerged, after several of them had their holy water confiscated.

The Vatican’s new service, a Boeing 737 painted in yellow-and-white papal livery, took off from Rome’s Fiumicino airport on Monday, serving swordfish canapes to 148 pilgrims reclining on headrests stamped with the message: “I search for your face, oh Lord”.

While the outward journey was smooth, turbulence struck on the return when anti-terror rules were strictly applied by the French police.

No bottles containing more than 100ml of liquid were allowed on board unless checked in, meaning passengers were forced give up the holy water they had just collected at Lourdes.

Many hoped to ferry the water back to sick relatives.

Instead, dozens of plastic containers in the shape of the Madonna were left at security, while one man decided to drink all of his.’

Actor playing Brutus stabs himself

‘Julius Caesar lay dead and Brutus was talking to his co-conspirators about swords and blood when he paused and excused himself, saying “I seem to have stabbed myself.”

Aspen actor/director Kent Hudson Reed accidently cut his leg open with the knife he was using in an outdoor performance of “Scenes from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar” on Wednesday.

He tried to carry on, “but my boot was filling up with blood and I was flubbing my lines, wondering if I was going to pass out, wondering if the audience could see the blood.”

Portia (Susan Mauntel) took Brutus to a hospital for stitches and play narrator Tyson Young announced the performance was canceled.

“That’s what you get for trying to kill Caesar,” he said.’
