Posts tagged as: unlucky


Saturday, January 6, 2007


Guardsmen overrun at the Border

`A U.S. Border Patrol entry Identification Team site was overrun Wednesday night along Arizona’s border with Mexico.

According to the Border Patrol, an unknown number of gunmen attacked the site in the state’s West Desert Region around 11 p.m. The site is manned by National Guardsmen. Those guardsmen were forced to retreat.

The Border Patrol will not say whether shots were fired. [..]

The Border patrol says the attackers quickly retreated back into Mexico.’


Deaf student’s dog turned away from school

`For the second day in a row, officials at W. Tresper Clarke High School prevented a 14-year-old deaf student from bringing his assistance dog to class.

“I feel like they aren’t being fair,” ninth-grader John Cave of Westbury said Thursday of East Meadow School District officials, who don’t believe he needs the dog to attend class. “They act like they’re against me because of my dog.”

John’s parents, Nancy and John Sr., have battled district officials for more than a year over the right of their son to bring a service dog to school.

The Caves believe John and Simba must bond around the clock so that the dog can work most effectively as an assistance dog, trained to alert a deaf child to potential danger, such as fire or smoke alarms and cars.’


Worst Hockey Play Ever

‘That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen! Patrick Stefan you should be embarrassed for what you just did. That does not belong in the National Hockey League!’

(1.3meg Flash video)

see it here »

Friday, January 5, 2007


Little Dude Big Whiplash

‘A 130 pound guy unsuspectingly gets speared from behind by a 230 pound guy at full speed. Check out that whiplash, probably gonna be sore tomorrow. May even need a neck brace.’

see it here »


Thursday, January 4, 2007


Guy Pukes in His Girlfriends Lap

see it here »

Fed-up library closes to avoid rowdy students

`Every afternoon at Maplewood Middle School’s final bell, dozens of students pour across Baker Street to the public library. Some study quietly.

Others, library officials say, fight, urinate on the bathroom floor, scrawl graffiti on the walls, talk back to librarians or refuse to leave when asked. One recently threatened to burn down the branch library. Librarians call the police, sometimes twice a day.

As a result, starting Jan. 16, the Maplewood Memorial Library will be closing its two buildings on weekdays from 2:45 to 5 p.m., until further notice.’

Lift decapitates teen

`A holiday job at a store in Cape Town ended in a horrible death for a Hanover Park teenager when he stuck his head out of a half-open goods lift door to see why it was not working – and it suddenly started moving and crushed his head, decapitating him. [..]

“Terrence stuck his head out of the lift, which was not completely closed, to see why it wasn’t moving. The lift suddenly shot up and ripped his head open.”

“A woman who was in the lift with him, was covered in blood.”

“I just heard shouting and screaming, and when I saw the woman covered in blood I knew my brother was dead.”‘

Extreme Amnesia

This man has a memory of between 7 and 30 seconds and recognizes nothing but his wife. Because he has no awareness of things that have happened in the past he is constantly operating under the assumption that he has just awoken from a period of unconsciousness and hasn’t had a single thought in 20 years.

Also, every time he sees his wife he thinks it’s the first time he’s seen her in years.

see it here »

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Stuck woman traps cave group

`An overweight woman who got stuck in a South African cave trapped 22 fellow tourists for more than 10 hours and had to be prised free with liquid paraffin.

The woman became trapped in the Tunnel of Love obstacle in the Cango Caves in Western Cape on New Year’s Day.

The caves’ manager said the woman had been warned she might not be suitable but she insisted on trying. [..]

No drilling equipment was needed and the woman was eventually freed with a pulley and paraffin used to grease the surface at about 2320.’


Louisiana slipping slowly into gulf

`A new report by scientists studying Louisiana’s sinking coast says the land here is not just sinking, it’s sliding ever so slowly into the Gulf of Mexico.

The new findings may add a kink to plans being drawn up to build bigger and better levees to protect this historic city and Cajun bayou culture. [..]

Researchers have known for years that the swampy land under south Louisiana is sinking (potholed streets and wobbly porches and floors are visible evidence of that) but a lateral movement of the land into the Gulf enters largely unstudied terrain.’


Tuesday, January 2, 2007


Animal Sacrifices Maim 1,400 in Turkey

`Over a thousand Turks spent the first day of the Muslim feast of Eid al-Adha in emergency wards on Sunday after stabbing themselves or suffering other injuries while sacrificing startled animals.

At least 1,413 people – referred to as “amateur butchers” by the Turkish media – were treated at hospitals across the country, most suffering cuts to their hands and legs, the Anatolia news agency reported.

Four people were severely injured, crushed under the weight of large animals that fell on top of them, the agency reported. Another person was hurt when a crane used to lift an animal tumbled onto him, the agency said.’


Sidney not in Australia, tourist discovers

`A 21-year-old German tourist who wanted to visit his girlfriend in Sydney, Australia, landed 13,000km away near Sidney, Montana, after mistyping his destination on a flight booking website.

Dressed for the Australian summer in t-shirt and shorts, Tobi Gutt left Germany yesterday for a four-week holiday.

Instead of arriving “down under,” Mr Gutt found himself on a different continent and bound for the chilly state of Montana.

“I did wonder but I didn’t want to say anything,” Gutt told the Bild newspaper. “I thought to myself, you can fly to Australia via the US.”‘


Monday, January 1, 2007


Mini Bike Crash

This is a pretty funny clip of a jump on a mini bike that goes slightly wrong.

(3.7meg Flash video)

see it here »


Sunday, December 31, 2006


Undark and the Radium Girls

`In 1922, a bank teller named Grace Fryer became concerned when her teeth began to loosen and fall out for no discernible reason. Her troubles were compounded when her jaw became swollen and inflamed, so she sought the assistance of a doctor in diagnosing the inexplicable symptoms. Using a primitive X-ray machine, the physician discovered serious bone decay, the likes of which he had never seen. Her jawbone was honeycombed with small holes, in a random pattern reminiscent of moth-eaten fabric.’


Woman charged with malicious castration

`A woman attacked a man in his genitals during a Christmas party, injuring him badly enough that he needed 50 stitches, authorities said Friday. Rebecca Arnold Dawson, 34, was charged with malicious castration in a fight early Tuesday at a party hosted by the 38-year-old man’s girlfriend, police said.

All three were heavily intoxicated, police Chief Frank Powers said.

Dawson is accused of grabbing the man’s genitals. Police said a weapon was not used. He declined to elaborate.

“I believe he needed more than 50 stitches to repair the damage, but he is back home at this point,” police Cpl. Brad Stevens said. “All we can tell you is that the injury was done with her hands.”‘

Saturday, December 30, 2006


Drunk Breakdancer Knocks Himself Out

‘A great display of drunk break dancing in the kitchen usually ends badly. This guy thinks he can do a flip, he was wrong. Gonna have a major headache tomorrow.’

(4.6meg Windows media)

see it here »


Friday, December 29, 2006


Top 10 Naked People on Google Earth

`You’ve all seen the original Google Sightseeing Topless Sunbather already, but did you know that the Hague is in fact completely overrun with naked and semi-naked Dutch men and women? Yes people, it’s time to get your magnifying glasses out, because here comes the Top 10 Naked People on Google Earth!’

Water wasters face shower ban

`Melbourne’s serial water wasters will not be able to shower under stage 3 restrictions.

Under a new three-strike rule, repeat offenders will have their water turned down to a trickle – just enough to dampen a washcloth.

A new year crackdown will give water police the power to go into homes and reduce water pressure.

Worst offenders will be slapped with indefinite bans.’

Jimmy Kimmel gets Bit by Snake

I guess when you bring rattlesnakes on your talk show, it’s bound to happen sooner or later. [shrug] Especially when you animal expert says it’s the biggest rattlesnake he’s ever seen. 🙂

.. or it could just be some TV show plot. 🙂

see it here »

Vendor’s reefer sadness

`Kevin Reed launched his medical marijuana business two years ago, armed with big dreams and an Excel spreadsheet.

Happy customers at his Green Cross cannabis club were greeted by “bud tenders” and glass jars brimming with high-quality weed at red-tag prices. They hailed the slender, gentle Southerner as a ganja good Samaritan. Though Reed set out to run it like a Walgreens, his tiny storefront shop ended up buzzing with jazzy joie de vivre. Turnover was Starbucks-style: On a good day, $30,000 in business would walk through the black, steel-gated front door.

Today, the 32-year-old cannabis capitalist is looking for a job, his business undone by its own success and unexpected opposition in one of America’s most proudly tolerant places. [..]’

College News Prank Backfires

This is pretty funny. It looks like the guy doing the pranking unexpectedly ends up slightly unconscious.. 🙂

(729k Windows media)

see it here »


Thursday, December 28, 2006


Brothers ‘Pants’ And Capture Burglar

`Two brothers in Peabody say they caught a man who allegedly broke into their mother’s home Christmas Eve by pulling down his pants to slow him down before police arrived. [..]

While John Medeiros struggled with Wallace, George Medeiros was able to call police.

But Wallace kept trying to get away, so George Medeiros said he came to a last resort – he “pantsed” him – including his underwear – all down to his ankles.

“I figured it would slow him down if he got up to run,” he told the paper.’


Raid’s results leave family ‘in shock’

`Salvador Celaya, a 73-year-old with Alzheimer’s disease, wore black rubber boots, dirty blue jeans and a flannel shirt Friday as he rummaged through the charred remains of the Phoenix home where he and his wife raised six children. [..]

The future for Salvador Celaya and his 69-year-old wife, Carlota, was uncertain two days after police serving a search warrant pried open the front door and launched a diversionary grenade through a bedroom window that started a fire that destroyed the house. [..]

“This is not a botched search warrant,” said Gilbert police spokesman Lt. Joe Ruet. “It’s not the wrong house, and it’s a very serious criminal that we’re after.”’


Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Chuck Diesel Poops himself whilst grappling

This appears to be judo or some such thing. Poo judo.

see it here »


Tunnel goes under

`The owner of Sydney’s controversial Cross City Tunnel has been placed into receivership with debts of $560 million.

Receivers and managers have been appointed to Cross City Tunnel Motorway Ltd, owner and operator of the tunnel.

The cash-strapped tunnel consortium was due to make a massive interest payment by Saturday.

With barely one-third of the expected 90,000 cars passing through each day, the tunnel did not earn enough to cover the interest payments.’


Guy Pukes on Live TV

see it here »


Drunk Hick Running Barefoot on a Boat

see it here »

Rough Balloon Landing

Very rough. That’s crazy.

see it here »


Hunter Gets His Ass Kicked By Deer

It seems at close range, the hunter becomes the hunted.

[I’ve always wanted to say that. :)]

(3.0meg Windows media)

see it here »

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Mall Santa has bacteria

`A man who portrayed Santa Claus at a Toledo-area mall tested positive for a bacteria that causes meningitis, health officials have said.

The man was admitted to St. Luke’s Hospital in suburban Maumee last week with a respiratory ailment, according to the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department. Tests showed that the man did not have meningitis but carried a bacteria that can cause the disease, said Health Commissioner Dr. David Grossman.

Parents of children who may have been exposed to the man should call a doctor about preventive antibiotics, he said Saturday.’