Posts tagged as: vagina


Sunday, February 15, 2009


And by record I mean..

And did you see the connection in the eyes?

(1.7meg Flash video)

see it here »


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Two cases of compulsive swearing – in sign language

‘Here we present a 31-year-old man with prelingual deafness who had motor and vocal tics as well as coprolalia expressed through sign language. He would feel a compulsion to use the sign for “cunt” (see Fig. 1: [top]) in contexts (grammatical and social) that were not appropriate. This is essentially the sign for the medical term “vagina” except that the sign is pushed toward the person at whom it is aimed and accompanied by threatening body language and facial expression. The patient would then feel embarrassed about the compulsion and aim to disguise it as another sign. Commonly, this would be the sign for “petrol pump” (see Fig. 2: [bottom]). This can also be used to symbolise a small watering can.’


Sunday, November 23, 2008


Welcome to Facecunt!

‘Facecunt is an anti-social utility that connects you with cunts around you.

Any cunt Can Join’

Saturday, September 20, 2008


No Undie Sundie: Women strip down for free drinks

‘A Melbourne pub has come under fire for offering free drinks to women who remove their underwear.

The Saint Hotel in St Kilda is promoting a night called No Undie Sundie – an event where woman are encouraged to remove their underwear and hang it over the bar, to receive a $50 drink voucher.

The promotion, which has been labelled as ‘sexist’ and ‘irresponsible,’ also offers women who flash their bras and underwear to bar staff, free drinks.

Not only has the event sparked criticism from sexual assault groups, liquor licensing authorities have decided to launch an investigation.

“The Saint is really pushing the barriers,” Liquor Licensing Victoria director Sue Maclellan told News Ltd.’


Monday, July 21, 2008


The Worst of All Possible Vaginas

‘I was twenty-one and barely a man when the horror came. It has stuck with me to this day, a dark spirit that looms over my shoulder whenever a quiet moment comes over me and leaves me free to think. The shape of the horror has been burned into my mind’s background noise. It has become something that I have to see the same way I have to see a purple after-image after I stare at a bright light source. As hard as it is to see some things, still other things are harder to unsee. God, how I wish I could.

What I saw in that five by five metal shack in the oil fields will follow me till my dying day.’

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


A sticky matter of morality.

‘So, I pay my money to Ms. Rainbow and she leads me back to a louder darker room divided by cubicle walls. She pushes me down on a worn, dirty vinyl couch and takes off her clothing. She was smooth shaven and her nipples were that perfect color of dusty rose against heavy cream colored skin. She turned around and began rubbing herself against my lap, and I let my hands begin to wonder. She kept me away from the most private of private areas but other than that I had free run of the amusement park.

No attachment, no connection, just drunk hands on drunk skin and a blissfully thought free moment.

Then I felt it. [..]’


Thursday, June 12, 2008


Ovulation moment caught on camera

‘A human egg has been filmed in close-up emerging from the ovary for the first time, captured by chance during a routine operation.

Fertile women release one or more eggs every month, but until now, only animal ovulation has been recorded in detail.

Gynaecologist Dr Jacques Donnez spotted it in progress during a hysterectomy.

The pictures, published in New Scientist magazine, were described as “fascinating” by a UK fertility specialist.

Human eggs are produced by follicles, fluid-filled sacs on the side of the ovary, which, around the time of ovulation, produce a reddish protrusion seen in the pictures.’


Saturday, May 24, 2008


Woman strips in anger at wolf whistles

‘A woman who felt harassed when road workers whistled at her stripped naked in response, police said.

Workmen in the small northern farming town of Kerikeri, New Zealand, were repairing the main street when the young woman, an Israeli tourist, took offence at their attention.

She calmly stripped bare to use an ATM – bringing an abrupt halt to both the whistles and the road work – then put her clothes back on and walked away.

Sgt. Peter Masters said the woman told police she didn’t take kindly to the men’s wolf-whistles.

“She said she had thought ‘… I’ll show them what I’ve got,’ ” as the men whistled at her, he said. [..]

“She was taken back to the police station and spoken to and told that was inappropriate (behaviour) in New Zealand,” he added.’

Monday, March 3, 2008


Kick her in the taco, Paco

My random image site has been doing quite nicely lately. Well fucken surprised am I. 🙂 There’s a fair few images on it now. I should be passing 10,000 in the near future. I like arbitrary milestones and your mother will confirm that.

I’ve had more than 2.5 million people visit the image site since I started it last year. Well more than 10 million page loads.

Also, I have a cunning plan to show my testicles to tens of thousands of people, and then claim they aren’t mine. Or maybe I will put someone else’s testicles up there and claim they are mine. You never know. 🙂 Never! [Anyone out there want their nuts on the web? Labia are fine too.] The point is, I would laugh heartily because I have a juvenile sense of humour.

In any case, this is the spot where I don’t love you anymore.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


QDB: Quote #642195

‘bloodninja: You gotta do better than that!
bloodninja: Your picture was really bad.


Thursday, February 21, 2008


Female G spot ‘can be detected’

‘The mysterious G spot – supposedly a route to female sexual satisfaction – can be located with ultrasound, claim Italian scientists.

Some women say stimulating a certain part of the vagina triggers powerful orgasms, but medicine has not been able to pin down the exact location.

Researchers told New Scientist magazine they found an area of thicker tissue among the women reporting orgasms.

But specialists warned there could be other reasons for this difference.’

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


School newspaper drops a V-bomb

‘Grover Cleveland High School Principal Bob Marks has his limits.

On Thursday, it was the labeled diagram of a vagina splashed across the front page of the student newspaper’s Valentine’s Day issue.

Flustered teachers rushed to confiscate the publication, but with some copies already in circulation and the Reseda campus in an uproar, it quickly became a hot read for the school’s roughly 3,700 students.

And some of the contraband issues made their way home, getting a quick reaction from parents.

“My phone’s been ringing off the hook,” Marks said. Only one parent asked why the paper was taken away; the others called to say they were offended, he said.

The drawing in question ran under the hot-pink headline “Have a happy Vagina Day!” and the four-page edition included stories titled “Ending shame for nature’s gift” and “Rejected!!!!!!!”‘


Monday, November 26, 2007


Gropecunt Lane

‘Gropecunt Lane was a name used in English-speaking towns and cities in the Middle Ages for streets where prostitutes conducted their business. In most cases, the name would appear to derive directly from the words grope (sexual touching), and cunt (female genitalia). At one point there were streets of this name in many cities in Britain and Ireland, though in most cases later sensibilities changed the name to some more polite variation.

In London, the street that was Gropecunt Lane was near the present-day site of the Barbican Centre in the City of London. The street was called Grub Street in the 18th century, but renamed Milton Street in 1830. It is possible that the street known as Gropecunte Lane is now known as Threadneedle Street, however.’


Wednesday, October 17, 2007


The most comprehensive vagina nickname list in the world!

‘vagina, pussy, bearded clam, vertical smile, beaver, cunt, trim, hair pie, bearded ax wound, tuna taco, fur burger, cooch, cooter, punani, snatch, twat, lovebox, box, poontang, cookie, fuckhole, love canal, flower, nana, pink taco, cat, catcher’s mitt, muff, roast beef curtains, the cum dump, chocha, black hole, sperm sucker, fish sandwich, cock warmer, whisker biscuit, carpet, love hole, deep socket, cum craver, cock squeezer, slice of heaven, flesh cavern, the great divide, cherry, tongue depressor, clit slit, hatchet wound, honey pot, quim, meat massager, chacha, stinkhole, black hole of calcutta, cock socket, pink taco, bottomless pit, dead clam, cum crack, twat, rattlesnake canyon, bush, cunny, flaps, fuzz box, fuzzy wuzzy, gash, glory hole, grumble, man in the boat, mud flaps, mound, peach, pink, piss flaps, the fish flap, love rug, vadge, the furry cup, stench-trench, wizard’s sleeve, DNA dumpster, tuna town, split dick, bikini bizkit, cock holster, cockpit, snooch, kitty kat, poody tat, grassy knoll, cold cut combo, Jewel box, rosebud, curly curtains, furry furnace, slop hole, velcro love triangle, nether lips, where Uncle’s doodle goes, altar of love, cupid’s cupboard, bird’s nest, bucket, cock-chafer, love glove, serpent socket, spunk-pot, hairy doughnut, fun hatch [..]’


Friday, September 28, 2007


Calls for less nudity on Everest

‘Nudity could be outlawed on the world’s tallest mountain complaints about the number of climbers attempting to reach its summit without clothes

Nepalese mountaineering authorities are reportedly outraged that people were ditching their clothes on Mount Everest, which is worshipped by some villagers.

President of Nepal Mountaineering Association Ang Tshering told AP that following last year’s record by a Nepali climber, who claimed the world’s highest display of nudity while standing on the 8,850m summit in temperatures about minus 10 degrees Celsius, restrictions should be implemented.

“There should be strict regulations to discourage such attempts by climbers,” Tshering said.’

Monday, September 24, 2007


IRON HYMEN: Abstinence-Only Program for Girls

‘I, [MY NAME], hereby pledge:

1. To never let grubby boys touch me – unless it’s just fun innocent stuff like tripping me and pulling my hair. (But only the hair on my head!)

2. To never wear trampy stuff like shorts or t-shirts or open-toed shoes, which basically tell horny perverts that I’m a major tramp who’s just asking for it.

3. To never do rough stuff like ride horsies or bikes with hard seats, which could break my vagina’s freshness seal and make me totally unlovable.

4. To never let tampons violate the sanctity of my hoo-hoo, because tampons are really nothing more than thirsty little albino penises.

5. To never have premarital sex, because Jesus doesn’t want anyone messing around inside my girly hole until after His church makes some money off a wedding.’


Thursday, September 20, 2007


Utero Vaginal Prolapse – Vaginal Hysterectomy with repair

‘Mrs. A. R is an active 76 year-old grandmother who lived on her own for several years. She had an uncomfortable vaginal lump for several years. Occasionally, this required reduction by her late family physician. The patient did not visit a physician after the death of her family doctor ten years earlier. She felt that prolapse is a woman’s lot and nothing could be done about it.

This patient was brought to the emergency room with a history of vaginal bleeding. Examination showed that the uterus was totally outside the vulva (prosidentia), atrophic and ulcerated vaginal mucosa and inflamed cervix. The bladder and rectum were also prolapsed with the uterus and the patient was unable to empty her bladder. X-rays of the kidneys, ureters and bladder with contrast (IVP) suggested chronic inflammation of the bladder.’

.. ‘the uterus was totally outside the vulva’ .. Do I need to stick a warning here? Don’t blame me if you don’t like what you see after you click. 🙂

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Rudemaster Bus jibes at Ken

‘A double-decker is driven through London’s streets yesterday — carrying an obscene jibe about Mayor Ken Livingstone on its roof.

Office staff roared with laugher on reading “Livingstone is a cunt!” in 3ft-high letters.

Vandals’ cruel handiwork went unseen at Wood Green bus depot as it was not visible at street level.

Matt Arney, 26, took the snap near the Thames Embankment.

He said: “Everyone dashed to the window. It was hilarious.”‘

see it here »


Hermaphrodite pony finds friendship with donkey

‘For most of his life the Shetland pony, who has both male and female genitalia, was thought to be a mare and went by the name of Amy.

And to add to his confusion he has been taken into care, undergone a sex change operation and been re-homed – only to be shunned by his peers.

But now Tootsie – named after Dustin Hoffman’s cross-dressing character in the film of the same name – finally appears to be settling in at the Bransby Home of Rest for Horses, near Lincoln.

And he has found an unlikely friend – in stablemate Derek the donkey.’


Tuesday, September 4, 2007


U.S. gynecology group slams cosmetic vaginal surgery

‘Cosmetic procedures billed as “vaginal rejuvenation,” “designer vaginoplasty” or even “revirgination” are not medically necessary and are not guaranteed to be safe, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists cautioned on Friday.

The group, which educates and accredits doctors who treat women and deliver babies, said it is deceptive to give the impression that any of these procedures are accepted or routine.

In guidance published in the September issue of its journal, Obstetrics & Gynecology, the group, known as ACOG, said the procedures can cause complications such as infection, altered sensation, pain and scarring.

The procedures include changing the shape or size of the labia, “restoring” the hymen, and tightening the vagina.’

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Thousands join Facebook group to help find beauty featured on lost digital camera

‘The good news for this mystery blonde is that the digital camera she mislaid on holiday has been found.

The bad news is that the revealing pictures of herself stored on its memory card have been posted on the internet.

And since then she has attracted over 23,000 admirers, all professing their desperation to track her down so that she can get back her lost property. [..]

The Facebook group description reads: “We are trying to track down the lovely lass in these photos so she can be reunited with her lost digital camera. She certainly knows how to use it!’

Update: Also the NSW pictures and her MySpace page.

Friday, August 31, 2007


Go Ahead, Drop Those Drawers

‘Vermont’s clothing-optional capital is stripping off its temporary ban on public nudity.

A month after passing the temporary ban, the Brattleboro Selectboard voted 3-2 on Tuesday to reject a proposed ordinance that would have made it permanent. When the emergency temporary ordinance expires next month, public nudity will no longer be illegal.

It’s all about tolerance, one board member said.

”We in this country are going down a slippery slope these days,” said Dora Bouboulis, noting a national newspaper recently published an article about the emergency ordinance under the headline ”Tolerant town gets intolerant.”’


Thursday, August 16, 2007


Doctor builds new, more natural vagina

‘An Italian doctor has reconstructed vaginas for two women born with a rare congenital deformation, using their own cells to build vaginal tissue in the lab for the first time.

Dr. Cinzia Marchese of Rome’s Policlinico Umberto I hospital, giving details of the operations on Wednesday, told Reuters a 28-year-old woman who underwent the first such operation a year ago now has a healthy vagina.

“She has got married and is living a normal life,” said Marchese, whose study has been published in the journal Human Reproduction. [..]

The two women had a condition called Mayer-Von Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome, or MRKHS for short, which affects an estimated one in 4,000 to 5,000 female infants.

Girls with the syndrome are born with no vagina. The patient often has a normal uterus, ovaries and external secondary sexual organs such as breasts, but cannot have sexual intercourse or give birth.’

Monday, August 13, 2007


To the women who work in my office… I hate you

‘Tall girl in design with the short brown hair- You have horrendous body odor! I’m not talking a little stench here and there I am talking everyday when you walk into the building people drop dead. I don’t know how you don’t notice it. I’m going to buy you deodorant for Christmas.

Fat woman who works in suite 19- I don’t know exactly what you do for this company, but I know far too much about your personal life. When you talk to your boyfriend on company time, please refrain from telling him it felt so good when he slipped his hard dick into your fat ass! Yea I heard that, and so does everyone else that walks by your suite when you are on the phone. It’s disgusting, and we don’t want to hear about it, so keep your voice down.’


Saturday, August 11, 2007


Nude beach pussy: how to tan your labia

‘Unfortunately, most women don’t ever get to feel the sun on their naked pussy. As a woman you have probably felt how good it feels to take of your bra at the beach and feel the sunshine on your naked breasts. Especially with a nice breeze it feels as if someone is caressing them. Your nipples get hot and hard and the sun’s energy flows from the surface of your breasts right through your chest into the base of your tummy, making you horny. Multiply this feeling by five and you understand what it feels like to get sunshine on your naked pussy.

Just try it if you have the occasion to tan naked or go to a nude beach. Remove your slip, but don’t just lay down right away. Sit straight up with your legs open, and look at how your pussy seems to breath the fresh air and absorb the sunrays. You can see your labia move slowly as they swell and get engorged, as if your pussy is waking up out of its sleep.’


Friday, August 10, 2007


Pejorative Beaver



Monday, August 6, 2007


What a coincidence!

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Laser Vaginoplasty


Nude blonde, gold stilettos and a Ferrari..

‘A mysterious blonde paid a visit to a petrol station shop in the small eastern German town of Doemitz on Sunday — wearing nothing but a pair of golden stilettos and a thin gold bracelet.

The tall, slender woman strolled into the shop in the town of Doemitz on the warm afternoon and bought cigarettes, petrol station employee Ines Swoboda told Reuters on Monday.

“I wasn’t surprised because she’s come in naked before — she’s a very nice woman,” Swoboda said, adding none of the other customers was bothered. The woman could have faced charges of creating a public disturbance if anyone had complained.’

Lohan in nude rehab shock

‘Lindsay Lohan allegedly amused herself in rehab by wandering around naked to shock male patients and staff.

The Mean Girls star – who recently spent 45 days in Malibu’s Promises Centre to be treated for alcoholism – was reportedly overheard bragging about her nude exploits at Allegra Versace’s birthday party.

A source told National Enquirer magazine: “Lindsay was howling with laughter as she told all her friends, including Bruce Willis’ daughter Rumer. They were all giggling too and their eyes were popping out.

“Lindsay said, ‘I drove them all mad wandering around completely naked. They kept telling me to quit, but it was so much fun to tease all those boys. I just couldn’t stop it!’.”‘
