Massive Firework In Cupboard
What happens when you put a firework in a cupboard, light it, then hold the door closed?
It seems obvious, but apparently not obvious enough for these kids. So they give it a try. 🙂
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What happens when you put a firework in a cupboard, light it, then hold the door closed?
It seems obvious, but apparently not obvious enough for these kids. So they give it a try. 🙂
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‘Just hours before this chick is about to get married she freaks out in the bathroom and with her bridesmaids watching starts cutting off huge chunks of her hair.’
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‘Man I can not think of a worse ending to a sledding accident. This dude is going to be hurting for awhile.’
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‘God hates a fag.. God hates fags.. God hates fags.. If you’re a fag he hates you too..’
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`Paris Hilton is an ugly man with a half-assed glass eye. But, you cannot beat listening to her talk about taking it up the odor-twist for a bag of coke.
Witness that classy discussion and a bunch of other career exploding material in the brand new 7 part video series taken from her storage unit [..]’
I don’t actually know what this is about. Recordings of Paris Hilton doing or saying something. I haven’t looked at them myself, but who knows. I might see if they’re funny or not another day. 🙂
`The sexed robots are autonomous wheeled platforms fitted with nylon genital organs, respectively male and female. They are programmed to explore their environment, occasionally entering a “in heat” mode, where they will try and locate a partner in the same state. If a partner is located, the robots will attempt to mate.’
I just like the way you can hear the music again at the end. 🙂
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It’s like YouTube, but for bestiality.
People are strange.
.. also, if you like BeastTube, you might also like Petlust Videos and Mr Hands. And don’t forget to check out the main page for more good stuff.
We had the rocket scooter the other day, and today we have the rocket skateboard.
Fun for the whole family. 🙂
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Never again worry about your dog shitting whilst you’re walking it.
Now all you need to do is worry about what to do with the bags of poo you’ve been collecting. 🙂
This remote control plane does a cool trick. It must take a lot of practice to be able to fly it that well..
Another Tom Mabe clip, also quite funny. 🙂
Feeding the homeless like that is pretty cool.
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‘You’re the angel of death, man..’
This is a recording made by Tom Mabe, who likes to record phone calls from telemarketers and harass them a bit. It’s pretty funny. 🙂
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These guys have attache some rocket motors to a little scooter. They take it for a test drive in this video, and it works better than I think they expected. 🙂
It’s amazing how efficient these guys are. I’m certainly not going to commit any crimes if I ever go to Europe. 🙂
.. while with another crackhead smokes in the background.
‘Coastguards and anti-pollution teams are on alert after a ship carrying potentially dangerous chemicals was beached off the Devon coast.
The MSC Napoli, which was holed in storms on Thursday, was run aground following “serious structural failure”. [..]
According to the MCA, 50 coastguards are out looking for the missing 40ft long containers, which include one containing hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of BMW motorbikes.’
The video shows people discovering the motorcycles and wheeling them away. And there’s free shoes for everyone! 🙂
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‘A young gymnast screws up her jump and lands directly on her neck. Watch as she struggles to recover and finish in style.’
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